We diagnose and treat a wide range of kidney diseases and associated problems such as renal anaemia.

We are based at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH).

Conditions we treat include:

  • chronic kidney disease (CKD) – outpatients and inpatients
  • acute kidney injury (AKI) – inpatients

The Nephrology Clinic is held every Friday afternoon from 2pm.


Princess Royal University Hospital

Tel: 01689 865800 (option 1)

For GPs and referrers

Inpatient referrals

  • Urgent: contact the Renal Registrar at King’s College Hospital (Denmark Hill), tel 020 3299 9000, bleep 622.
  • Non-urgent: if appropriate, these can be discussed with the visiting consultant nephrologist on Friday afternoons from 2pm.

Outpatient referrals

Complete the kidney disease referral form. To submit it, GPs should use NHS e-Referral. Other health professionals can email the form to: kch-tr.br-referrals@nhs.net. Send one referral per email and include patient and GP practice details.

Referral queries

Email: kch-tr.renaladmin@nhs.net

Acute Kidney Injury

Our AKI GP pathway guidelines (PDF) explain the care pathway following receipt of AKI test results.