We diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions such as:

  • post-menopausal bleeding
  • heavy and/or painful periods
  • continence symptoms such stress and urge incontinence
  • endometriosis
  • uterine fibroids/polyps
  • ovarian cysts
  • pelvic pain and pelvic inflammatory disease
  • gynaecological cancers
  • miscarriage
  • ectopic pregnancies
  • hyperemesis – excessive nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy
  • fertility problems

We also carry out research into women’s health.

Treatment is provided at the Alan Cumming Day Surgery Unit at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) and by a number of general outpatient clinics and specialist services, including:

  • Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU), at the Princess Royal, Outpatients C, Ground Floor, South Wing – for complications or concerns in early pregnancy up to 16 weeks. Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm for appointments only – we unfortunately cannot see walk ins.
  • Colposcopy, at Orpington Hospital – diagnosis and treatment after an abnormal cervical smear.
  • Urodynamics, at Orpington Hospital – diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence.

Women’s health research

We are dedicated to improving our understanding of health in women’s health, and to supporting better evidenced-based care.

Research is important as it helps us to:

  • develop new and better treatments
  • be better at preventing problems and making a quick diagnosis
  • give you the best care

There are lots of research projects running in Women’s Health at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. You may be approached to participate in one or more of these studies during an outpatient appointment or an inpatient stay.

If any of the projects are of interest to you or you would like more information, please email the women’s health research team at kch-tr.womenshealthresearch@nhs.net

You can also find out information about the maternity research we carry out at the Trust.

Open research

APPRAISE (a patient-reported outcome measure for prolapse, incontinence and mesh complication surgery)

What is the study investigating?

To develop a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) to compare outcomes for the different surgical treatments to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP), stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mesh complications that captures the full range of effects on quality of life. Information about previous patient experience and long-term complications will be used to inform better support and improved services.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • have undergone surgery for POP, SUI or mesh complications (at any time)
  • are aged 16 years old or over
Further information

APPRAISE website

APPRAISE patient information sheet

CORE-10 (evaluating CORE-10 as a measure of psychological distress after miscarriage)

What is the study investigating?

If you have experienced a miscarriage this study is testing the accuracy of the CORE-10 questionnaire at identifying those who might be at risk of developing prolonged psychological distress.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are aged 18 years or above and have experienced a diagnosis of miscarriage at less than 16+6 weeks
Further information

CORE-10 patient information sheet

EPI-SURE B (developing test to detect specific biological markers associated with endometrial cancer)

What is the study investigating?

This study aims to approve a new clinical test to detect the risk and early stages of cancer in the lining of the womb (endometrial cancer). This test specifically targets biological signals in samples taken from the cervix or vagina via smear test. As black and mixed heritage women are less likely to take part in research but more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage stage womb cancer, this research is aimed at this population.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are 50 years old or over
  • come from an Afro Caribbean background
  • are attending the gynaecology clinic with abnormal bleeding for a transvaginal ultrasound
Further information

EPI-SURE B patient information sheet

POISE (premature ovarian insufficiency study of effectiveness of hormonal therapy)

What is the study investigating?

In women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) what is the relative effectiveness, in terms of bone mineral density (BMD), of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) compared to the combined oral contraceptive pill (COC)?

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • have a diagnosis of POI
  • will be aged from 18 to 40 at randomisation
  • are not intending to become pregnant within 12 months
  • have not taken any HRT or COC treatment for the last 4 weeks or are willing to stop HRT or COC treatment for a minimum period of 4 weeks before randomisation
Further information

POISE website

POISE patient information sheet

REGAL (treatment for recurrent pain following surgery for endometriosis)

What is the study investigating?

The clinical and cost-effectiveness of long-term use of GnRHa (gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues) with add-back HRT as an alternative treatment to further laparoscopic surgery (excision or ablation of endometriosis) in women who present with recurrence of pain following previous surgery for endometriosis but wish to retain their fertility.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are aged 21 to 49 years with recurrent pain following conservative laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis (excision or ablation) and wish to avoid removal of ovaries and hysterectomy, irrespective of site and stage of endometriosis, number of previous surgeries or use of postoperative hormonal treatment
  • are considered suitable for both treatment arms
  • can give informed consent to participate in study procedures
  • are willing to do a pregnancy test before intervention
Further information

REGAL website

REGAL patient information sheet


Princess Royal University Hospital

Orpington Hospital

For GPs and referrers

Urgent Early Pregnancy Unit referrals

You can self refer by completing Early Pregnancy Unit referral form and emailing it to kch-tr.PRUHepagsu@nhs.net or see your GP who can refer on your behalf.

Once we have received your form we will triage your referral and contact you with an appointment. We aim to contact you within 24 hours of receiving your referral. Depending on the urgency of your referral, you will receive an appointment between the same day and 2 weeks of receiving your referral.

Once we have accepted your referral, if you need further advice or have further concerns please call us on 01689 865721.

Bromley GPs should use the Referrals Optimisation Tool to refer patients to these services. GPs from other boroughs, and other health professionals, should complete the Early Pregnancy Unit referral form and email it to kch-tr.PRUHepagsu@nhs.net


Referrals are via the national screening programme.

Suspected cancer

Refer via the urgent suspected cancer pathway.

All other referrals

  • GPs should use NHS e-Referral only.
  • Other health professionals can refer by emailing kch-tr.br-referrals@nhs.net. Send one referral per email and include patient and GP practice details.