We provide a full ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery service and treat most ENT conditions in adults and children.

We hold outpatient clinics at the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) and at Beckenham Beacon.

Day case and inpatient surgery takes place at the PRUH.

Our specialist clinics include:

  • ear problems (otology)
  • nose problems (rhinology)
  • voice problems (laryngology)
  • head and neck surgery

When necessary, we refer patients to Guy’s and St Thomas’ for head and neck cancer, and for children’s airway problems.

Audiology is based at the PRUH. It provides hearing tests, hearing aids, repairs and advice. It also supports ENT clinics at Beckenham Beacon.



Outpatient appointments:

01689 865800

Medical secretaries:


01689 865725

For GPs and referrers

Routine referrals

GPs should use NHS e-Referral only.

Other health professionals can refer by emailing kch-tr.br-referrals@nhs.net. Send one referral per email and include patient and GP practice details.

Urgent referrals

If a patient needs to be seen:

  • sooner than a routine referral: use the urgent referral facility on the NHS e-Referral system
  • immediately or on the same day: send them to the Emergency Department, where they will be treated or triaged.