We have inpatient wards and units at:

  • Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH)
  • Orpington Hospital

Please note temporary changes to some of the visiting information below due to high rates of flu and respiratory illness.

Visiting times

Visitors are welcome on most wards from midday to 9pm. A maximum of two people at a time can visit one patient.

If you would like to visit outside of standard visiting hours please contact the ward and speak to the nurse in charge.

Visiting times may change at short notice.

On Children’s Ward: parents or care givers can visit anytime. In addition, two visitors can attend from midday to 9pm. Please note, only one parent or care giver can stay overnight. Siblings are not permitted to stay overnight.

On maternity wards: birthing partners can visit anytime. In addition, two visitors can attend Monday to Friday 2pm to 7pm, or weekends 10am to 7pm.

End of life care patients and in exceptional circumstances: visiting is permitted 24/7 in arrangement with the nurse in charge. Up to four visitors can attend end of life care patients if this can safely happen.

Patients with disabilities or specific care needs

Patients with specific care needs, including dementia, learning disabilities or mental health needs, will be permitted visitors for extended periods, but please agree this with the relevant ward leader, matron or head of nursing for the area in which they are being cared for.

The same applies to patients in distress, or who are deteriorating due to isolation from visitors.

If you cannot visit

You may wish to use phone, email, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp to keep in touch with relatives or friends in the hospital. All patients have access to free patient Wi-Fi. You can also use our Letter to Loved Ones email service.

Orpington Hospital wards

Bodington Ward

Specialty: Elective orthopaedic surgery

Phone: 01689 866294 or 01689 866295

Location: 2nd floor, Canada Wing

Churchill Ward

Specialty: Older people’s integrated care

Phone: 01689 866420

Location: 1st floor

Elizabeth Ward

Specialty: Frailty Unit

Phone: 01689 866560

Location: 1st floor

Frank Cooksey Rehabilitation Unit

Specialty: Neuro-rehabilitation

Phone: 01689 866380

Location: 1st floor

Ontario Ward

Specialty: Neuro-rehabilitation and step-down

Phone: 01689 866284 or 01689 866285

Location: 1st floor

Quebec Ward

Specialty: Elective orthopaedic surgery

Phone: 01689 866287

Location: 2nd floor, Canada Wing

Princess Royal University Hospital wards

Acute Medical Unit 1

Phone: 01689 863975 or 01689 863976

Location: level 1, North Wing

Acute Medical Unit 2

Phone: 01689 863835

Location: level 1, North Wing

Chartwell Centre

Specialty: Cancer and specialist blood services

Phone: 01689 863170 or 01689 863172

Location: level 0, North Wing

Children’s Ward

Phone: 01689 864402

Location: level 2, South Wing

Day Surgery Unit (DSU)

Phone: 01689 864381 or 01689 864382

Location: Alan Cumming Centre

Delivery Suite (labour ward)

Phone: 01689 864839 or 01689 864811

Location: level 3, South Wing

Emergency Department

Phone:  01689 863486

Location: level 1, North Wing

Farnborough Ward

Specialty: Respiratory

Phone: 01689 866301, 01689 866311 or 01689 865015

Location: level 2, North Wing

Hyperacute Stroke Unit (HASU)

Phone: 01689 863363, 01689 863364 or 01689 863412

Location: level 0, North Wing

Intensive Care Unit

Phone: 01689 864090

Location: level 2, South Wing

Maternity Ward

Specialty: Labour, postnatal care

Phone: 01689 864921 or 01689 864918

Location: level 3, South Wing

Medical Ward 1

Specialty: Acute respiratory

Phone: 01689 863425, 01689 863429 or 01689 866147

Location: level 0, North Wing

Medical Ward 2

Specialty: Respiratory

Phone: 01689 863434, 01689 863433, 01689 863431

Location: level 0, North Wing

Medical Ward 3

Specialty: Frailty Unit

Phone: 01689 863396 or 01689 863397

Location: level 0, North Wing

Medical Ward 4

Specialty: Elderly care

Phone: 01689 863402, 01689 863403 or 01689 863404

Location: level 0, North Wing

Medical Ward 5, Stroke Unit

Specialty: Step-down from Hyperacute Stroke Unit

Phone: 01689 863351

Location: level 0, North Wing

Medical Ward 6

Specialty: Medicine

Phone: 01689 863875 or 01689 863874

Location: level 1, North Wing

Medical Ward 7

Specialty: General medicine

Phone: 01689 863881 or 01689 863882

Location: level 1, North Wing

Medical Ward 8

Specialty: Cardiac and Medicine

Phone: 01689 863827 or 01689 863831

Location: level 1, North Wing

Oasis Birth Centre

Phone: 01689 864750

Location: level 3, South Wing

Planned Investigation Unit (PIU)

Phone: 01689 866309

Location: level 1, North wing

Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

Phone: 01689 864956 or 01689 864957

Location: level 3, South Wing

Darwin 1 (Surgical Ward 1)

Specialty: Elderly care

Phone: 01689 864629 or 01689 864630

Location: level 2, North Wing

Darwin 2 (Surgical Ward 2)

Specialty: Elderly care

Phone: 01689 864635 or 01689 864634

Location: level 2, North Wing

Darwin 3 (Surgical Ward 3)

Specialty: Acute medicine

Phone: 01689 864673

Location: level 2, North Wing

Surgical Ward 4

Specialty: Acute Surgery (ASU)

Phone: 01689 864671

Location: level 2, North Wing

Surgical Ward 5

Specialty: General surgery

Phone: 01689 864704, 01689 864705, 01689 864706 or 01689 864725

Location: level 2, North Wing

Surgical Ward 6

Specialty: General surgery

Phone: 01689 864702

Location: level 2, North Wing

Surgical Ward 7

Specialty: Orthopaedics – geriatrics

Phone: 01689 864738, 01689 864739 or 01689 864740

Location: level 2, North Wing

Surgical Ward 8

Specialty: Gynaecology

Phone: 01689 864132 or 01689 864148

Location: level 2, North Wing